Before you can
get organized, you have to
get rid of clutter. It’s impossible to have an
organized home,
productive office, or
simple life with too much stuff for the available space.
A powerful aid to
getting rid of clutter is the mantra we use here at
Get Organized Wizard:
Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go.
1. Move Fast.
Moving fast helps you
achieve a lot in a little time – which creates
momentum, feels
empowering and boosts
It also bypasses the little
lies that keep you caught in clutter – lies like
I like it this way (you don’t) or
I’ll do it later (you won’t).
One of the reasons programs like
30-Day Organize-athon Pack and
52 Missions Home Organizer are
so successful is that they’re broken down into focused,
time-based tasks or missions that compel you to
act quickly.
Because you’re working against a timer, you don’t have time to waste – you have to
keep moving to finish the activity in the allotted time.
choose an easy organizing project, have a coffee, put on some upbeat tunes, set a timer – and
move it!
2. Don’t Overthink.
Not overthinking is the other side of the
moving fast coin.
To be a
more organized person, you simply have to learn to
make quick decisions.
Carefully evaluating the merits of
keeping or tossing each and every item is a certain way to keep yourself
mired in clutter for life.
My friend
Laura has some answers to
particular blocks you might have when it comes to
keeping versus tossing.
But in general, to master
personal organization and become a
power declutterer, develop the habit of
going with your gut. If your first impression is that something is
clutter, then let it go.
Which brings us to…
3. Let It Go.
When decluttering, people often fear they’ll
get rid of things they
may later need.
The truth is that you might want it later – but the cost of
replacing or doing without is usually minor compared with the
stress, frustration, and unhappiness of living in clutter and disorganization.
Decide instead that you will have what you love,
use what you have, and let go of what you don’t love or use.
There are so many benefits to
getting rid of clutter – whether in your
kitchen or
You’ll enjoy
more energy, a
simpler life, a
home that reflects your values, and sometimes even complete
surprises. My friend
Erin has reported that decluttering can bring better focus, while my friend
Mandi has listed a number of benefits of a decluttered life.
So if you could do with
more space,
more organization and
less clutter in your life, grab a bag and start decluttering!
[Image by DenisHennessy]
My mantra is “When in doubt, throw it out!” I still have clutter but keep saying this.
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I try to ask myself “are you going to use this within 1 yrs time.” that should cover seasonal changes.then pack it up, mark what season, then put it storage til then. And change the house out with the seasons. And change your wardrobe also!