Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 12: Family]

Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 12: Family]

I’ve been making 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over 12 days. It’s not too late to join me!

Day 1: Personal Development

My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my bicep and shoulder weights in Body Pump class.

Report: ✔ Feeling pretty dang good about my big-girl weights. 🙂

Day 2: Health & Fitness

My Day 2 Fresh Start was to give up Smith’s Cheese & Onion Chips – at least for September.

Report: ✔ Disbelieving, but delighted, to be chip-free for 11 days.

Day 3: Career & Business

My Day 3 Fresh Start was to refresh my website’s home page.

Report: ✔ Happy with new home page, at least for now. (Feedback is welcome.)

Day 4: Fun & Recreation

My Day 4 Fresh Start was to listen to more fun music, not just podcasts and audiobooks.

Report: ✔ Loving my ‘all-music/no-work iPod’ Fridays.

Day 5: Technology & Social Media

My Day 5 Fresh Start was to promote my new Facebook Professional Service Page.

Report: ✔ Been building up content and promoting the Page. (I’d love you to join!)

Day 6: Home

My Day 6 Fresh Start was to remove one of two printers from my home office.

Report: ✔ Really enjoying my office again.

Day 7: Personal Presentation

My Day 7 Fresh Start was to focus on posture – shoulders back, core muscles in, and chin up.

Report: ✔ Becoming a habit.

Day 8: Happiness

My Day 8 Fresh Start was to give up watching ‘poignant’, ‘tragic’ or ‘heart-wrenching’ movies.

Report: ✔ My DVD player is now 100% misery-free. 🙂

Day 9: Money & Finance

My Day 9 Fresh Start was to claim for gym membership from my health fund.

Report: ✔ All set up to get the paperwork at my next appointment.

Day 10: Relationships

My Day 10 Fresh Start was to stay and have coffee once a week with my gym friends.

Report: ✔ Stayed for a chat on Friday and will make it semi-regular.

Day 11: Time Management

My Day 11 Fresh Start was to stop multi-tasking on home and personal tasks.

Report: ✔ Focused on one thing at a time yesterday, and felt much clearer of mind.

Day 12: Family

Today my fresh start is from category 3 (see below): To do more of something.

I’m going to listen more when I spend time with family. It’s too easy to just chat at family events and miss what’s really going on for loved ones.

What About You?

Think of your own Family goals and plans.

In what area could you:

  • Start something new or try something you haven’t done, read, or experienced before
  • Give up something – maybe a habit that undermines you or an obligation that weighs you down
  • Do more of something – be specific about ‘more’, but don’t be overly-ambitious
  • Do less of something – be specific about ‘less’, but don’t be overly-ambitious

If you want inspiration, you might find some here:

I hope you’ll choose something and join me!

Keep Up Your Fresh Starts!

This is the last post *cue bugle* in this series, but I will check back in at the end of the month to let you know how I’ve kept up with all my fresh starts.

I’d really love it if you could check back in too! 🙂

To leave a comment: Scroll to the bottom of this post – a comment box is waiting for you.

Image: / CC BY 2.0

2 thoughts on “Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 12: Family]

  1. Leroy McIntyre says:

    I am new to the program. I wanted to tell you that the information you shared just from my doing a browser search is very good. Others did not offer enough for me to get an idea about what they were offering. This is why I selected your program. Good job on marketing.

    Reading Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings has been good for getting me started by hellping me to get my mindset geared towards doing this.

    I look forward to my fiancee and I accomplishing a lot with this program.

    I feel it will do wonders for our quality of life and will help motivate family members and friends to become more active and focused on doing more about improving their lives.

    Thank you very much for sending it out daily.

  2. Leroy McIntyre says:

    I am new to the program. I wanted to tell you that the information you shared just from my doing a browser search is very good. Others did not offer enough for me to get an idea about what they were offering. This is why I selected your program. Good job on marketing.

    Reading Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings has been good for getting me started by hellping me to get my mindset geared towards doing this.

    I look forward to my fiancee and I accomplishing a lot with this program.

    I feel it will do wonders for our quality of life and will help motivate family members and friends to become more active and focused on doing more about improving their lives.

    Thank you very much for sending it out daily.

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