Make a Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings


Today’s the first day of Spring in Australia, where I live. You can already smell jasmine in the air!

In the US September is the start of the academic year – for students, a new chance at good grades; for parents, an opportunity to get re-organized at home.

Wherever you live, why not make the start of September your time to make a fresh start at something you’d like to change?

I’m going to make a fresh start at something in my own life – in fact, I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try.

I’ll share my journey with you in the hope you’ll be tempted to join me in at least one life area. 🙂

What is a ‘Fresh Start’?

I’m defining a fresh start as a change that fits one of these categories:

  • Start something new or try something you haven’t done, eaten, read, or experienced before
  • Give up something – maybe a habit that undermines you or an obligation that weighs you down
  • Do more of something – be specific about ‘more’, but don’t be overly-ambitious
  • Do less of something – be specific about ‘less’, but don’t be overly-ambitious

12 Days of New Beginnings

Here are the life areas I’ll focus on over the next 12 days:

Want Some Ideas?

If you want ideas for places to make a fresh start in each of these life areas, check out my (currently free) Organize Your Life & Goals Workbook Planner. It has more than 120 suggestions.

Day 1: Personal Development

Today my fresh start is to do more of something. I’m increasing my weights* in Body Pump class for biceps and shoulders (I currently use teeny-weeny-where-is that-ant-taking-my-weight weights). I’ll let you know how I go tomorrow – when I’ll make my second fresh start.

I hope you’ll pick a life area and join me!

To leave a comment: Scroll to the bottom of this post – a comment box is waiting for you.

*This could fall under Health and Fitness, but I have another, uber-challenging fresh start planned for that life area tomorrow.

Image: / CC BY 2.0

17 thoughts on “Make a Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings

  1. Pingback: Proof That God Is Good

  2. Jessica says:

    @ Michele- i love it too its a amazing workout both cardio and strength…i go twice a week & have different classes the rest of the week. i wish i could fit it in my schedule more but its not at the right times.

  3. Jessica says:

    I decided to start attending exercise classes ive tried body combat and love it and am thinking about adding in zumba and body jam 🙂

  4. Paietyn Bond says:

    I am going to move and finally get my own room. Right now I have little friends with this start I feel I can change a little to get more friends. I like the way you write your articles and think they could help any person and will get a lot of refreshing ways of change. I can not wait to make my changes in my new, me only, room. Thank you so much for the information and I hope it works. Bye Paietyn Bond

  5. Monica says: know you are a true inspiration to those of us who are living in a disorderly world and are themselves (body and Soul) disorderly. I can not wait to start mine.

  6. cheryl says:

    This is great!!!! I started something I never thought I would. I got a personal trainer. I finally reached a point where I needed to do something for MYSELF. Feels good for a change.

  7. Tricia in England says:

    I caught up with the I Ching yesterday. I have 4 copies of the book and do it for myself, but because each book has its strong points I am skipping between them. Plus I am trying a new Karcher version- which looks good. So it took me all afternoon til 9pm to source 3 questions and I’d only meant to ask one.

    I asked about my next job – I am unemployed – and was told to change the object of my pursuit. That could mean different area, different type of job, or it could mean not a job at all. But I was also told to ask again, so I did.

    I asked something I’ve been meaning to ask awhile- will this Christmas be any better than last (which was cancelled). Many people may be wondering this. Answer: Small gifts are good, sincerely given.

    The last question was about a personal relationship, and was prompted by the answer to question 1. This answer was very specific – and not at all what I was expecting, so I have loads more to think.

    It occurred to me after that I Ching has 63 varieties of ‘yes’ and only one ‘No’, but that is a simplification. Keep well.

  8. Barbara in GA says:

    Checking in! I suppose the meditation would have gone better if I weren’t having my house re-roofed. LoL! So, I spent an extra few minutes at the yoga studio after class. Only 15 minutes, but made my whole day better. Thanks!

  9. Barbara in GA says:

    You’ve given me a great reason to begin the meditation practice I’ve always talked about starting. Thank you!

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