Festive Holiday Organization

Get Organized For The Holidays

As always, we are here to help you get & stay organized!

We have two fantastic tools to help you take action and be ready for the holiday season.

You’re welcome!

Get Organized Tool No.1:
7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home Program

Currently on sale for $29.

This program is perfect for people who:

  • Are hosting Christmas or new year celebrations in their home
  • Want to tidy up and declutter unwanted items throughout the home before the holidays
  • Are ready for a change and want to live more simply with less clutter.

If you’re ready to get organized why not join us for our next and last online program for 2015: 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home. 

If you:

  • Feel overwhelmed by clutter
  • Don’t know where to start
  • Worry that you might need things – so you end up keeping everything
  • Suspect you just have too much stuff
  • Can’t decide what to keep and what to release
  • Have forgotten what your surfaces look like

then we can help!

What Does The Program Involve?

Over 7 days, we’ll help you to:

  • Make a life-changing mindset shift so you can finally part with unneeded stuff
  • Know how and where to start decluttering – and to make that start
  • Be able to make decisions about things you might need one day
  • Decide how much stuff is the right amount for you
  • Work out exactly what to keep and what to let go, room by room
  • Choose what to do with your decluttered stuff – sell, donate, toss?
  • Get rid of clutter – even when there’s nowhere uncluttered to work
  • Deal with kids’ clutter
  • Rediscover your surfaces – yes they’re still under there somewhere!
  • Learn how to keep clutter at bay – for life
  • Cope with other people’s clutter.

Each day’s task takes about 1 hour.

Here’s What Others Say About Our Program

Mindset Shift #3 a– totally worth the price of the premium subscription! THANK YOU! Laura

Thanks for the encouragement and the plan to help make changes. Jenna

This is addictive! Carole

This program was just the push I needed to start to get my place back in shape. Although I still have more decluttering to do my home looks better than it has in a long time. More importantly, it feels more serene. Which means, so do I Thanks, Michele! Ellen

On Sale – 7 Days To A Drastically Decluttered Home

For a short time we are offering the program at the sale price of $29. That’s a huge 42% saving.

Only $29 to radically reduce the amount of junk, clutter, and excess STUFF in your life. All in just 7 days, 1 hour a day!

You can read all about the program here.

FREE For Premium Subscribers

Learn more about 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home.

As with all our programs, this program is FREE for Premium Subscribers.

Simply log in to your My Account Page and join us at any time, from anywhere, starting Monday 30 November (US time).

To see upcoming programs, check out the Program Schedule.

Join Us

The results are life-changing. We start Monday 30 November 2015 (US time). Click here for more details.

Get Organized Tool No.2: Christmas Planners

Our Christmas Planners Pack includes 21 downloadable, interactive, printable worksheets to help you get organized. Included in the pack are Christmas gift planners, Christmas to-do listsholiday party planners, a family New Year’s resolutions planner, and heaps more. (They’re from our comprehensive Home Organization Worksheets Pack.)

How To Get Your FREE Christmas Planners Pack

To get your free copy of our Christmas Planners Pack you just have to be a subscriber to our Get Organized Newsletter.

Already a subscriber? You’ll get the download link in this week’s issue – out Thursday.

Not yet a subscriber? Well you’d better sign up now!

There’s no better feeling than being well-organized and relaxed, ready to enjoy the holiday season more. Have fun getting organized!



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